One of the things we have always liked when we are in Alanya is visiting the Tuesday market. They sell lots of fruits and vegetables at very good prices, and they have a special part with fish also. Here the locals go and shop, but also tourists.
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The training in Alanya didn't reallt go the way we expected it, but still we had quite many good sessions, together and one by one. Träningen i Alanya gick inte alls som planerat, men vi fick ändå till en del bra träningspass, tillsammans och själva. Two and a half our running in the mountains. Morning runs We had quite a few sessions at the gym, strength training, running, cross trainer etc. Our mountain biking session, that unfortunately ended in a very bad way. We were up at almost 800 m.a.s.l. when the accident happend.
Happy "Little Christas" from the three of us:) Stopped for a picnic in an amazing weather in St Moritz after Marcus had been to the hospital I started the day with a morning run before the drive to the hospital, and Marcus had a nice walk/run after the hospital visit. So good that he already is able to train in some ways. Enjoying the view from a christmas decorated hospital Such a beautiful road to and from the hospital Christmas baking The result: gingerbread and saffron cupcakes. Together with some local Stollenkonfekt Waiting for dinner of a mix of different traditions: some tortellini and then sausage and potatoes.
We all enjoyed the beach and pool life in Alanya. Chiara really likes being in the water so it suits her perfect:)
Vi gillade alla strand- och poollivet i Alanya. Chiara gillar verkligen vatten så det passar henne prefekt:) The last two and a half weeks have been spent in Alanya. For a great part, we had a great time with sun and beachlife, familytime together, nice moments with Chiaras grandfather and grandmother, some good training sessions (I was sick, again, the first week), a bit of shopping together, and of course work. But unfortunately a very sad thing happend last Saturday when Marcus and I had a biking session up in the mountains. It was quite steep on many places and on our way down Marcus had an accident and got three dislocated fingers on his left hand and a hurt elbow on his right arm. At the moment we are in Livigno and yesterday he had surgery of one of his finger in Samedan, Switzerland. Right now he is quite disabled since he cannot really use any of his arms. Now we really hope for a good and fast recovery! (I have many posts I would like to do from our stay in Alanya, but right now the time is very limited since I have to do almost everything at home and if we are going somewhere, so they will come when they come). But I don't complain, we had a nice time in Alanya, and if you are back in the Alps again, you cannot complain:) De senaste två och en veckorna har tillbringats i Alanya. Mestadels had vi en riktigt fin tid med sol och beachlife, familjetid tillsammans, fina stunder med Chiaras mormor och morfar, endel bra träningspass (jag var dock sjuk, igen den första veckan), lite shopping tillsammans och förstås en del jobb. Men tyvärr hände en riktigt tråkig sak förra lördagen när Marcus och jag körde ett cykelpass i bergen. Det var ganska brant på många platser och på väg ner var Marcus med om en olycka och fick tre fingrar ur led på vänster hand och skadade armbågen på sin högra arm. Just nu är vi i Livigno och igår opererades en av hans fingrar i Samedan, Schweiz. Just nu är han ganska handikappad eftersom han inte riktigt kan använda någon av sina armar. Nu håller vi tummarna på en bra och snabb återhämtning! (Jag har många inlägg jag skulle vilja skriva om vår vistelse i Alanya, men just nu är tiden väldigt knapp då jag måste göra i princip allt, både hemma och om vi är på väg någonstans, så de kommer när de kommer). Jag klagar dock inte, vi hade en fin tid i Alanya, och får man vara i Alperna igen, kan man inte klaga:)
December 2024